Study Tips for Exams
Examination is such a testing system through which examiners test your real knowledge and understanding regarding the particular subject. Assessors know capabilities and skills of students only by conducting examinations. You, as a student, prepare yourself for different written and oral exams by following different study tips for exams.
Thorough knowledge of the psychology of education has the potential to uplift your level to a significant level in studies which is the demand of both students and institutions. Learning of students is measured by conducting exams; so, exams are one of the fundamental elements in any education system.
Preparation of exams is a skill which can be learnt and polished by understanding the psyche of reading, writing and learning methods. For example, Cornell note taking method is very effective way of taking notes and is very helpful in the preparation of exams. In the same way, SQ3R method of reading upgrades your reading style along with retention power.
Keeping all the above mentioned points in mind, following study tips for exams are of considerable importance for getting success in exams.
Preparation before exams
Study tips for exams are divided into two parts. The first part is preparation before the exams that play very important role in getting good grades. And the second one is preparation during the exams.
Both parts have different study tips for exams which include some techniques and tricks to attempt the paper in a good and impressive way.
Some study guidelines and techniques that play a vital role before exams preparation are given as:
Make a study plan
A famous writer has said that if you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail. Having a good study plan helps a lot before exams preparation. A study plan is very important because a planned study will help you achieve your desired goal with respect to you study.
Most of the students remain worried about the preparation of exams because they don’t plan for study.
A planned study will help you for the complete preparation of exams without worrying about the fear of low grades. Remember, planning is an essential key to succeed in all fields of activities.
Revise syllabus actively
Don’t spend your 99% time in writing notes and 1% of your time in looking these notes. Being organized in writing notes is fine but revision is more important for preparation of the topics.
Among study tips for exams in college or university, this tip of revising your whole syllabus before exams helps you to understand your subject clearly and achieve success ultimately.
Take regular breaks
Taking regular breaks helps you to prevent study fatigue and keep you focused. Taking breaks during the preparation of exams allows you to refresh your mind and improve your concentration. Pomodoro technique which guides you to take break after forty minutes is also very effective regarding breaks.
This activity also decreases the stress of preparing for exams. In study tips for exams preparation, this technique proves beneficial in helping you to maintain your attention and regain your motivation for further learning activities.
Study is a play
Students are worried about the preparation for exams even they reach at college or university level. If, you as a student, set your mind that you are playing a game when you are studying, then you start enjoying study.
It is noted that playing and watching movies are not boring activities. You spend your time in these activities without boredom. If you turn your study style into playing style, you learn a lot without fatigue and boredom. Resultantly, you are able to perform best in your exams.
Study with friends
During your exams preparation ‘study buddy’ helps you to learn a lot in limited time. Be careful and keep focused on what you need to do.
By group study, you may find the answer of different questions by sharing notes, explaining topics and asking and quizzing each other.
Such type of study with friends, sometimes, proves harmful because students, instead of study, waste their time in playing and gossiping.
Create flashcards
One of the top study tips for exams is creating flashcards. It includes rewriting important facts, concepts and definitions on flashcards. Creating flashcards is an incredible study method exhibiting extra ordinary results.
While many students think of using them for simple facts, they can also be used for complex processes throughout your academic career.
Instead of cramming, learn with concepts
Cramming is essentially trying to memorize lot of information for the preparation of exams in limited time. This habit has been proven harmful to increase stress level and anxiety. For tips, how to prepare for exams, learning with concept helps the students in getting a lot of information.
Split the material into topics and review in stages to fully absorb and understand the information.
Take care of yourself and drink plenty of water
Eating junk food to save time is not the smartest strategy for studying. Keep a balanced diet of “brain foods” like fresh fruits and vegetables that are balanced with protein and healthy fats and help you to fuel your mind.
The same goes for sleep. Plan to have a good night rest the night before the exams. According to study tips for exams, preparation for exams is not just related to your study, it also includes healthy habits and care of your health.
Studies show that drinking water may increase your academic performance. Drinking plenty of water will enable your mind to think more clearly sharpening your focus and creativity.
Take the right approach
Different types of college exams require different study approaches. Multiple choice means focusing on definitions and concepts. Essay tests require a conceptual understanding of the material.
By knowing exams format, you can easily prepare for your exams in limited time.
Study tips for exams during paper days
The day of exams arrives for which you have revised and prepared well. After complete preparation, you are sometime in stress and anxiety about the exams and atmosphere in the examination hall.

Keeping the above challenges in mind, following study tips for exams are very useful during examination days.
Control yourself
It is natural to feel anxious about exams. If you are prepared well for exams but you got anxious and nervous in examination room, you may not be able to perform well.
Have the capability to control yourself and don’t give time to your mind to drift into anxious thoughts. If it happens, gently guide your mind to come back in its normal position. This activity will help you to control yourself resultantly getting good grades.
Know about your exam paper
This point also comes in study tips for exams preparation that don’t hurry to start writing the answer of questions before you have read the whole question paper thoroughly. First of all know about your paper, its format, time and directions to attempt questions of different portions.
Don’t worry if you do not know the answers of some questions. First of all, attempt those questions whose answers are clear for you. Highlight how many questions you must answer from every section.
Plan your time
When you are clear about the questions, you will answer, then plan your time. Divide your time for each section write the answers within the targeted time. If you have a choice of questions, then write these questions which take less time. If any questions carry more marks, then spend more time on these. Apply this study tips for exams that plan your time in such a way that you finish at least ten minutes before the end of the exam, so you have time to check over your paper.
Good paper presentation
Lot of study tips for exams are available but paper presentation tips play a crucial role in exams. So, write or design your paper in such a way that examiner should not feel or consider wrong about your answer.
Sometimes, examiners have to mark many papers at speed; so, present your paper in a good way that examiner easily checks it. Your future depends on paper checker which means that you set the answer of question in a better way that examiner thinks you deserve marks.
Check carefully what the question is about
It is a right approach to know about the requirement of the question. Check carefully what the question is about. Write such information that is appropriate for the question and don’t include unnecessary information.
Avoid writing anything you know on general topics. Write such type of information that fulfills the requirement of question. Writing to the point information is vital among study tips for exams.
Use structures and diagrams
For longer answers, organize your material clearly in sections. If question demands diagrams, then draw them. For essays, always write an introduction and conclusion. By following study tips for exams of structuring, organizing and drawing diagrams help the examiner to check your work easily and follow your reasoning.
Write shorter but clear sentences
Another simple, but useful exam tip is to keep most sentences short, clear and focused. These qualities of writing also make it faster and easier for you to check and correct your paper. Such study tips for exams will help you to make your point clear for examiners.
Final checks
If you want to make your paper without errors, check carefully all of your answers looking for any accidental mistake. Read cautiously and slowly to check for missing words and to see that your answers make sense and fulfill all requirements of said questions.
Plan your time in such a way that you are able to make these essential final checks. As a final tip, keep in mind that time management can help you a lot in getting good grades in exams.