Study Tips for Exams: Mental Strategies
When you go through any type of examination in your life, you are also rewarded in any form after that examination. The same phenomenon is applied in your educational system. You prepare yourself for exams throughout the semester by following different study tips for exams.
You handle exams preparation at physical, mental, psychological and emotional level. Talking about mental strategies, following study tips for exams regarding play a key role in exams preparation.
Mental strategies for exams preparation
Review already prepared material
The first mental strategy is that if you have some time, use it in reviewing you’re already prepared material and output. Don’t try to learn new material at this stage.
Study for the entire exams
Stay full time in examination hall. You should be relaxed during attempting paper; sometimes, information and details come to mind slowly but steadily. It is only possible when you follow such study tips for exams.
Read each question
Read each question slowly and carefully. Understand each question and write that information which examiner demands. Keep in mind that in exams, no two questions are similar. So, carefulness regarding the understanding of each question will be very supportive in performing well in exams.
Read paper instruction
The foremost thing in study tips for exams is that during exams, read all those instructions that are at the top of question paper. Make sure that you have read the instructions carefully.
Focus on yourself
Focus on your paper instead of looking other students and trying to know how they are doing paper. It will distract you from your main task and it may appear that you are trying to cheat which can also be harmful for you.
Budget your time
Plan your time in such a way that each question ought to be given time according to its weightage. Spend more time on those questions which carry more marks and vice versa.
In the beginning, try to attempt easy questions which build up your confidence. All mental strategies or study tips for exams play a pivotal role in exams.
Don’ts- during exams
Here are some forbidden tracks which you should try to avoid during exams.
Avoid talking
Don’t talk to other students or borrow anything from each other during the examination. It distracts your focus and may appear that you are cheating.
Don’t carry avoidable material
Don’t carry mobile phone, smart watch, books and their pages or other electronic devices in exam room. These things may be the reason of your termination from the examination process.
Don’t focus on others in the hall
Sometimes, you, as a student, focus on others and compare their performance with yours which may distract you from your task of attempting paper. So, its solution is to focus on your paper as much as is possible.
Don’t put too much pressure on your hand
If you want to improve your writing speed, don’t put too much pressure on your hand. Your fingers might get stiff while writing the paper before you complete the paper.
Don’t leave everything for the last minute
Do things while there is still some time left and avoid doing everything for the last minute. The best thing would be to complete the paper before time.
Don’t keep reading; try to write
If you think reading times will help you learn and remember things, then you are mistaken. Practice writing as it will be stored in your memory for a longer duration.
Don’t be late for your exam
Reach your examination center an hour or half an hour early and just relax. Do not discuss anything exams related with your friends and do not read anything in the last minutes.
Don’t ignore exams instructions
Follow the instructions of exams strictly such as don’t remove any sheet from answer book, don’t forget to staple objective part, don’t use lead pencil in writing, don’t leave the examination hall before the half time, and don’t show your answer sheet to anybody.
Don’t tackle your exams without a study plan
A plan can help you focus on your weak areas and space out your study. It is absolutely wrong to tackle your exams without a study plan.
Don’t give in to stress at any cost
Stress is a state of mental tension and worry causes many problems in your exams and decreases your performance. So, try your best; don’t give in to stress at any cost.
Overall presentation of the paper
Giving the right answer is crucial for your grades, but paper presentation also plays an important role.
Here, there are some presentation tips you should use in the exams.
Draw margins
Use a blue marker to draw margins on the right and left of the page. Also, use only one color throughout the pager.
Give headings and subheading
Give the main heading on the top center of page regarding whether it is subjective or objective then write the question number that should also be in the center. Now is the time to write your heading and subheading.
Use marker
Highlight important names, dates, terms, definitions, formulas, headings, subheading by writing with a marker. It will let the examiner know your necessary information.
Draw diagrams and tables
Draw as many diagrams, flowcharts and tables as you can. It will make your paper more organized and easier for the examiner to check.
Use proper grammar and spelling
This is a misconception among many students that grammar rules and punctuation do not count in subjects other than English. Try to use correct rules and spellings in paper.
Avoid overwriting and cutting (Tips for Exams)
Most important, avoid overwriting. If you need to cut a word or a phase, put brackets aside the word or phrase and a small cross above each bracket.
By following the study tips for exams, you would be able to perform best in your exams.